Underfloor Heating - Facts and myths.
Have you ever heard, that underfloor heating causes the “heavy legs” effect? Or have you encountered the opinion that it has a negative impact on the health and well-being of householders?
Have you heard that it is extremely difficult to control and its efficiency leaves a lot to be desired? All these assumptions have one common denominator, namely... they are absolutely wrong!
Water-based, low-temperature surface heating systems that use floor or wall surfaces as a heat source have taken the showrooms by storm and are completely changing the way builders look at the aspect of thermal comfort. However, before they gained their well-deserved position as an efficient, energy-saving and multifunctional solution, they had to deal with a few harmful myths. Which ones?
Underfloor heating is...unhealthy
Exactly as unhealthy as the unskillful use of traditional heating systems. It is not technology that is to blame, but rooms that are too warm or too cold. A properly constructed and unheated floor is indifferent to human health, and speaking of the health aspect, underfloor heating, due to the absence of air convection phenomena and with it the rising of dust and bacteria, is ideal for allergy sufferers. We also emphasize: with the right floor temperatures (in line with standards) there is NO "heavy legs" effect.
A restful night's sleep? A fluffy carpet? Forget about “floor heating”
Nothing could be further from the truth. Much better to say 'forget a badly installed and wrongly adjusted system'. After all, there is nothing preventing this type of heating from becoming an integral part of the bedroom warmth. All you have to do is set the right temperature for bedtime and you're done. One should remember that the air temperature already reaches room temperature 7 cm above the floor surface. And what about fluffy carpets? The thicker the material covering the system, the less effective it will be, but... who says you can't thicken the pipe spacing or assist with wall or ceiling heating?
Installation and operation are difficult and unintuitive
The installation of KAN-therm underfloor heating systems is a quick process thanks to the extensive range of pipes, insulation and fixing elements of the Tacker, Profil, Rail and TBS Systems. Flooring can be made using dry or wet technology (e.g. anhydrite screed). The follow-up service will also pleasantly surprise you! It becomes really simple by using the devices and control automation of the KAN-therm SMART System - the "Start SMART" function.
And it has become somehow warmer and more pleasant immediately, right?